Performance and Safety

Philipp Kant, IOHK

Bobkonf 2017, Berlin

Performance vs. Safety

typical dichotomy:

work close to bare metal, use c
work with abstractions, use haskell

sometimes you need both

example: medical application

  • need timely answer
  • errors can cause real harm

one solution: write c in haskell

Writing C in Haskell

  • haskell does expose "the metal":

    Ptr, plusPtr, moveBytes, …

  • typically not used in application code

    reserved for high-performance libraries, with a high-level API

  • as long as the libraries are correct, there will be no buffer overflow

Making Sure Libraries are Correct

  • static types go a long way
  • write small functions that fit in your head
  • use QuickCheck

when you need proof: LiquidHaskell

  • refinement types, extension of haskell's type system
  • statically ensure relations between possible values
  • optional step at compile time – zero overhead for library users

Distributed Computation


Amdahl's Law: \(t_n = t_{0,\text{seq}} + \tfrac{t_{0,\text{par}}}{n}\)

serialisation significant overhead in sequential part

Scaling Behaviour

scenario A scenario B scenario C scenario D scenario E scenario F 100 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 1000 100 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 100 200 400 600 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 number of slaves time/s


  • serialisation: represent data as sequence of bytes
    • to save it to files
    • to send it to another computer/process
  • possible features
    • versioning, backwards compatibility
    • architecture independence
    • cross-language compatibility
    • incremental (de)serialisation
    • easy to use
    • speed

Fast Serialisation: Store

  • use case: distributed high performance computing
  • typical data: vectors of simple data types, fits in memory
  • design goal: speed
    • no versioning, fixed architecture, no partial deserialisation and backtracking

Streaming Data

  • store: serialisation to/from strict ByteStrings

    efficiency: one allocation per serialisation, no partial results

  • networking: data arrives in chunks, need streaming

    add thin streaming layer on top of store

Streaming with ByteBuffer

-- | Copy the contents of a 'ByteString' to a 'ByteBuffer'.
copyByteString :: MonadIO m
    => ByteBuffer
    -> ByteString
    -> m ()

-- | Try to get a pointer to @n@ bytes from the 'ByteBuffer'.
-- If there are not enough bytes in the ByteBuffer, indicate
-- how many bytes are needed
consume :: MonadIO m
    => ByteBuffer
    -> Int
    -> m (Either Int ByteString)


type ByteBuffer = IORef BBRef

data BBRef = BBRef {
      size      :: !Int
    , contained :: !Int
    , consumed  :: !Int
    , ptr       :: !(Ptr Word8)

Reading from a ByteBuffer

Filling a ByteBuffer

What Can Go Wrong?

Buffer overflow

  • best case: segmentation fault
  • worst case: data corruption anywhere in the same program

Buffer Underflow

  • best case: segmentation fault
  • worst case: heartbleed

prove correctness via LiquidHaskell

Using LiquidHaskell

Refinement Types

refine data types

type Nat = Int
{-@ type Nat = {v:Int | 0 <= v} @-}


measure len :: [a] -> Int
len []     = 0
len (x:xs) = 1 + (len xs)

refined function types

head :: [a] -> a
tail :: [a] -> [a]
{-@ head: {xs:[a] | len xs >= 1} -> a @-}
{-@ tail: xs:[a] -> {xs':[a] | len xs' <= len xs} @-}

Running LiquidHaskell

optional step at compile time

λ> stack exec -- liquid src/System/IO/ByteBuffer.hs
LiquidHaskell Copyright 2009-15 Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.

 **** DONE:  A-Normalization ****************************************************

 **** DONE:  Extracted Core using GHC *******************************************

 **** DONE:  Transformed Core ***************************************************

 **** DONE:  Uniqify & Rename ***************************************************

 Working  72% [================================================.................]
 Done solving.

 **** DONE:  annotate ***********************************************************

 **** RESULT: SAFE **************************************************************

Refined ByteBuffer

data BBRef = BBRef {
      size      :: !Int
    , contained :: !Int
    , consumed  :: !Int
    , ptr       :: !(Ptr Word8)

data BBRef = BBRef
    { size      :: Nat
    , contained :: { v: Nat | v <= size }
    , consumed  :: { v: Nat | v <= contained }
    , ptr       :: { v: Ptr Word8 | (plen v) = size }

Allocating ByteBuffers

new :: MonadIO m => Maybe Int -> m ByteBuffer
new maybel = liftIO $ do
    let l = fromMaybe (4*1024*1024) maybel
    newPtr <- Alloc.mallocBytes l
    newIORef BBRef { ptr = newPtr
                   , size = l
                   , contained = 0
                   , consumed = 0
{-@ mallocBytes :: l:Nat -> IO ({v:Ptr a | plen v == l}) @-}
**** RESULT: UNSAFE ************************************************************

/home/philipp/clones/store/src/System/IO/ByteBuffer.hs:181:15-33: Error: Liquid Type Mismatch

181 |     newPtr <- Alloc.mallocBytes l
  Inferred type
    VV : {VV : Int | VV == l}

  not a subtype of Required type
    VV : {VV : Int | VV >= 0}

  In Context
    l : Int

Allocating ByteBuffers

new :: MonadIO m => Maybe Int -> m ByteBuffer
new maybel = liftIO $ do
    let l = max 0 (fromMaybe (4*1024*1024) maybel)
    newPtr <- Alloc.mallocBytes l
    newIORef BBRef { ptr = newPtr
                   , size = l
                   , contained = 0
                   , consumed = 0
**** RESULT: SAFE **************************************************************

Reading From a ByteBuffer

{-@ unsafeConsume :: MonadIO m
  => ByteBuffer
  -> n:Nat
  -> m (Either Int ({v:Ptr Word8 | plen v >= n})) @-}
unsafeConsume :: MonadIO m
        => ByteBuffer
        -> Int
        -> m (Either Int (Ptr Word8))
unsafeConsume bb n = liftIO $ do
    bbref <- readIORef bb
    let available = contained bbref - consumed bbref
    if available < n
        then return $ Left (n - available)
        else do
             writeIORef bb bbref { consumed = consumed bbref + n }
             return $ Right (ptr bbref `plusPtr` consumed bbref)
  plen ptr == size >= 0
  contained <= size
  consumed <= contained
\begin{align} &\texttt{available}\; \geq \texttt{n}\\ \Leftrightarrow\; & \texttt{contained}\; - \texttt{consumed}\; \geq \texttt{n}\\ \Rightarrow\; & \texttt{plen p} - \texttt{consumed}\; \geq \texttt{n}\\ \end{align}

Writing to a ByteBuffer

copyByteString :: MonadIO m => ByteBuffer -> ByteString -> m ()
copyByteString bb bs =
    bbHandler "copyByteString" bb go
    go bbref = do
        let (bsFptr, bsOffset, bsSize) = BS.toForeignPtr bs
        -- if the byteBuffer is too small, resize it.
        let available = contained bbref - consumed bbref
        bbref' <- if size bbref < bsSize + available
                  then enlargeBBRef bbref (bsSize + available)
                  else return bbref
        -- if it is currently too full, reset it
        bbref'' <- if bsSize + contained bbref' > size bbref'
                   then resetBBRef bbref'
                   else return bbref'
        -- now we can safely copy.
        withForeignPtr bsFptr $ \ bsPtr ->
            copyBytes (ptr bbref'' `plusPtr` contained bbref'')
            (bsPtr `plusPtr` bsOffset)
        writeIORef bb $ Right BBRef {
            size = size bbref''
            , contained = contained bbref'' + bsSize
            , consumed = consumed bbref''
            , ptr = ptr bbref''}

Enlarging a ByteBuffer

{-@ enlargeBBRef ::
    -> i:Nat
    -> IO {v:BBRef | size v >= i
                  && contained v == contained b
                  && consumed v == consumed b}
enlargeBBRef :: BBRef -> Int -> IO BBRef
enlargeBBRef bbref minSize= do
    let getNewSize s | s >= minSize = s
        getNewSize s = getNewSize $
          (ceiling . (*(1.5 :: Double)) . fromIntegral) (max 1 s)
        newSize = getNewSize (size bbref)
    ptr' <- Alloc.reallocBytes (ptr bbref) newSize
    return bbref { size = newSize
                 , ptr = ptr'
{-@ reallocBytes :: Ptr a -> l:Nat -> IO ({v:Ptr a | plen v == l}) @-}

Rewinding a ByteBuffer

{-@ resetBBRef ::
    -> IO {v:BBRef | consumed v == 0
                  && contained v == contained b - consumed b
                  && size v == size b}
resetBBRef :: BBRef -> IO BBRef
resetBBRef bbref = do
    let available = contained bbref - consumed bbref
    moveBytes (ptr bbref) (ptr bbref `plusPtr` consumed bbref) available
    return BBRef { size = size bbref
                 , contained = available
                 , consumed = 0
                 , ptr = ptr bbref
{-@ moveBytes :: p:Ptr a -> q:Ptr a -> {v:Nat | v <= plen p && v <= plen q} -> IO ()@-}


safety and performance
you can have both!
write c in Haskell
hide details behind high-level API
prove invariants of your code at compile time
  • does not change the code at all
  • no run time overhead
  • compile time overhead optional
  • no need to change client code