Talk: (English)
Liquidate your Assets
Liquid Haskell is an extension of Haskell’s Type system that allows annotating types with refinement predicates. It’s great for ensuring correctness of your code, but it can also be used to improve the performance of your code.
If you track your resources then Liquid Haskell can be used to statically bound the resources needed at runtime, thus statically deciding how performent your code is. You are liquidating your assets.
To track resource we define a `Tick monad that ticks each time a resource (ranging recursive calls to thunks) is used. Then we use refinement types to statically approximate the number of ticks that can occur at runtime. This reasoning aids runtime code optimization, since it can be used to compare resource usage of two different programs.
In this talk I will presen this technique through small examples (sorting algorithms and mapping) and discuss the advantage and current limitations on real world code adaptation.
Niki Vazou
Niki Vazou is an Assistant Professor at IMDEA. I started my computer science education in NTUA, Athens, Greece. She received her Ph.D. from UCSD, San Diego where she developed Liquid Haskell, as described in her Ph.D. thesis. After that, she spent some time as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland.
Niki’s research interests include refinement types, automated program verification, and type systems and my goal is to make theorem proving a useful part of mainstream programming. Liquid Haskell is an SMT-based, refinement type checker for Haskell programs that has been used for various applications ranging from fully automatic light verification of Haskell code, e.g., bound checking, to sophisticated theorem proving, e.g., non-interference.