Tutorial: 17:00–18:30 (English)

Haskell Mobile development

An introduction to Functional Reactive Programming and a tutorial on building Android, IOS or web apps using Haskell, nix and the Reflex FRP libraries.

Shane Hamilton

I am a Haskell developer at the Least Authority working on the opensource project tahoe-lafs and tahoe-lafs-mobile using Reflex-FRP.

I am an active maintainer and contributor to tiny-wlhs a haskell wayland project intended to provide haskell bindings to wlroots.

I volunteer in my free time building software and apps for local social enterprises.

I am currently working on my own haskell frontend framework Moka that aims to be a much simpler approach to frontend development in haskell and leverage the new developments in the GHC JS backend.

I grew up in Ireland but live in Valencia, I spend most of my free time, coding, reading, swimming or just playing football in the sun.