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Talk: 10:15-11:00 (English)

Dynamic programming at ease - with grammars, algebras, products

Did you recently face a combinatorial optimization problem? Simply combining the multiple decision cases to recursively solve each subproblem leads to the dreaded “combinatorial explosion”. Finding an optimal solution is considered intractable, even on a powerful compute cluster.

Dynamic programming is a technique to tame these problems. It reduces complexity by reusing intermediate results that are stored in a table, instead of computing them again. With this trick, the complexity drops to merely filling the dynamic programming tables, and exponentially hard problems become polynomial. Dynamic programming algorithms are usually expressed in the form of recursive formulas, recurrences. They contain index fiddling to navigate to the correct previous solutions, and a mix of tabulated and non-tabulated solutions. Developing such an algorithm is tedious, error-prone and the resulting programs are hard to debug.

We will explore a formal framework for dynamic programming on sequences. Separating the problems of search space description, candidate description, candidate evaluation and tabulation helps us in thinking about dynamic programming. Bellman’s GAP is a programming language derived from that formalism. The compiler of the language handles tabulation, access of intermediate results and backtracking. We can focus on the fun part, the algorithm itself, and equip it with different evaluation strategies and scoring schemes.

Stefanie Schirmer

Stefanie Schirmer is a Software Engineer at Etsy and an alumna of Hacker School in New York.

She studied Applied Computer Science in the Natural Sciences in Bielefeld, Germany. In her PhD project she developed metrics for the structure comparison of RNA molecules. After working at the cancer research institute of Université de Montréal, she found her way to Hacker School and to Etsy.

Together with Hannes Mehnert and Jens Ohlig, she wrote a book about functional programming and curry cooking.
