Program Committee

17 years ago, Matthias Fischmann implemented his Diploma thesis at the Max-Planck Institute für Informatics in Haskell, and has been an advocate of functional programming ever since. Among his recent Haskell projects are a participatory platform for schools, and a platform for identity management. He did his PhD at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Currently, he works as a software architect at Wire.

Matthias Neubauer is a software architect at SICK AG in Waldkirch (Breisgau). He works on hardware/software co-design for vision sensors. After researching new paradigms for web programming and developing testing tools, he now implements functional-programming ideas in a typical C++ environment.

Michael Sperber is CEO of Active Group GmbH in Tübingen. He has been applying functional programming for more than 20 years in research, teaching, and industrial development. He has also written many publications on the subject. Mike is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Functional Programming and the steering committee of the Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM). Moreover, he is a co-founder of the leading German-language blog on functional programming,

Stefan Wehr works at factis research GmbH where he designs complex applications and distributed systems, mostly written in the functional language Haskell. Before this, he did his PhD on the integration of object-orientied and functional languages.

Nicole Rauch is an independent software developer and development coach with a solid background in compiler construction and formal methods. Her focus is on Specification by Example and Domain-Driven Design, working with React.js in the frontend as well as the restructuring of large Java legacy code applications. Nonetheless, her secret love is for functional programming. Also, she took part in conducting a number of self-organized conferences related to software craftsmanship and agile coaching, e.g. SoCraTes conference. She is one of the initiators of Softwerkskammer, the german-speaking Software Craftsmanship community.
Scientific advisory board

Annette Bieniusa majored in Mathematics, Latin, and Computer Science in Saarbrücken, Leeds and Freiburg. Following her PhD on Software Transactional Memory in Freiburg in 2011 and a postdoc at INRIA (Paris), she is now an assistant professor at TU Kaiserslautern. She works on the semantics of distributed and concurrent systems, with a focus on (geo) replication, synchronization, and programming-language concepts.

Torsten Grust is a professor of Computer Science ath the University of Tübingen, where he has headed the chair for database systems since 2008. Before his time in Tübingen, he was a professor for database systems at the Technical Universities of Munich and Clausthal. Prof. Grust works on design, translation, optimization, and evaluation of different database languages. His work often toes the line between database systems and programming-language technology. His research group develops techniques for using relational database systems as scalable runtime systems for non-relational queries and programming languages.

Peter Thiemann is a professor for Computer Science at the University of Freiburg where he heads the research group for programming languages. He is one the leading experts on functional programming, partial evaluation, domain-specific languages, and many other areas of software engineering. His current research is on static and dynamic analysis of JavaScript.