Talk: 15:05-15:50 (English)

Version control in the age of distributed computing

This talk will be about Pijul, a version control system I contributed to, based on new datastructures. Pijul is mathematically defined as the smallest generalisation of repositories that can “tolerate” conflicts. This has a number of nice consequences which we claim allow people to spend less time worrying about version control and have more predictable and reliable workflows.

I will talk about how to use it in practice and what new, more flexible workflows it allows. I will also describe some elements of its design, including:

  • How it works internally.

  • The key advantages of having a mathematically sound version control system, and how this allows people to spend more time on their code and less on version control.

  • How Pijul prompted the design of a new key-value store library, and how that key-value store turned out to be really fast.

  • The design of our new (to be announced soon) open source hosting service for repositories, and the challenges of maintaining an online service with a team of one person.

Pierre-Étienne Meunier

Former academic researcher on asynchronous models of computation and molecular computing, now co-founder of a small company leveraging algorithms and game theory to help people self-organise and efficiently share renewable energy.
